Tuesday 23 December 2008

You (really) need this book!

I read books, tons of them! Mainly theological in nature with the occasional biography or novel thrown in (think I should have shares in Wesley Owen if they ever issued them...)
Of these a number have been very good. I would recommend Bonhoeffer's "Cost of Discipleship", and "The Heavenly Man" (Brother Yun/Paul Hattaway) as 2 of the most important. There are others that you know will be good; most things by John Piper or Wayne Grudem. J I Packer is another whom I find very helpful for thinking through things. But recently I've read a particular book that has simply blown me away.

It is "Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes" by Kenneth E Bailey. This book is manna. It's like my reading of scripture where the events and parables are being explained culturally has gone from 2D to 3D. Many parts of Luke's Gospel are now vivid in my mind and, hopefully, my understanding is growing.

For example; until I read it I didn't grasp (and am still trying to ponder on) the full implications of the parable of the Good Samaritan, both for those who ignored and the Samaritan who helped as well as thedeep theology contained in a "story" . And to see the Hebrew structure behind the "Gentile" gospel gives me a sense of almost hearing the words being passed onto Luke, by the first disciples, as he compiled his writing.

Quite simply, you need this book buy it; read it and read it again.

Monday 15 December 2008

The Good News & Broccoli?

What is the Good News of Jesus and how does it change us? In trying to explain it to my 8 year old daughter after reading how a person's salvation comes by faith in Christ (from Paul's letter to the followers of Jesus in Rome) I said that the good news is that not only do we not have to try and keep the law in order to be saved but that God changes us from the inside out as a consequence of what he has done for us - and gives us new desires to follow him. Her answer was "does that mean I'll want to eat Broccoli"?